Pi Kappa Alpha

Pi Kappa Alpha
Alpha Zeta Chapter
320 N. Arkansas Ave. 
Fayetteville, AR 72701


Pi Kappa Alpha crest 

National Website

Chapter Instagram

Instagram:  uarkpike

Nickname  Pike

Philanthropy  Potter's House, Fayetteville

Spring 2023:  3.295
Fall 2023:        3.196

Colors  Garnet and Old Gold

Date Founded  March 1, 1868

Established at U of A  1904

Famous Alumni
Joe T. Ford
Donald E. Wray
Lance Alworth
Craig Morgan
Scott Van Pelt

Interesting Fact  The Alpha Zeta chapter is the largest fraternity chapter in the world.

Contact Information
Nathan Ferrel, President  nferrel@uark.edu
Ben Sparks, Vice President  bksparks@uark.edu
Tyler Dacus, Recruitment  rtdacus@uark.edu 

Semester Costs (prices subject to change)
In House: $6,560 average depending on room category *
Out of House: $1,250
New Member: $1,600
*Pi Kappa Alpha is a University-managed facility.  This figure includes University Housing costs, which are charged separately on the student's account.

Chapter Awards
Smythe Award, top PKA chapter in the nation - 2015
200+ Man Award (having a chapter with over 200 active members) - 2019
Scholarship Award (chapter GPA over 3.0) - 2019